निर्माण क्षेत्र
आगमन के बाद अभिविन्यास कार्यक्रम
इज़राइल में जीवन, और निर्माण क्षेत्र में कार्यरत प्रवासी कामगार के रूप में आपके अधिकारों और दायित्वों के बारे में जानने के लिए आवश्यक सभी जानकारी।
इज़राइल – लोग और संस्कृति
इज़राइल में आपका स्वागत है! उस देश का एक संक्षिप्त परिचय प्राप्त करें, जो अगले कुछ वर्षों के लिए आपका घर होगा।
हम इन विषयों पर बात करेंगे:
१. इज़राइल का राज्य
२. इज़राइल की जनसंख्या
३. इज़राइल में छुट्टियां
४. इज़राइली व्यंजन
५. इज़राइल में संचार संस्कृति
Employment in the Agriculture Sector in Israel
Agriculture is an essential sector in Israel. Watch on as we introduce some of the main agricultural products and activities, and explain about the roles of the employer and your agency and their responsibilities towards you!
We will talk about:
The agricultural sector in Israel
The employment framework
How to check your employment status
Rights and Obligations of Migrant Workers
Do you know your rights and responsibilities as a foreign worker in Israel? And the obligations the employer has towards you?
Let us explain some key things to know, which will help you during your employment in Israel.
We will talk about:
Terms of stay: visas and passport
Rules and obligations of employers and workers
The employment contract
Transferring employers in case of resignation or dismissal
Holidays and vacation days
Heath and Safety at Work
Your health and safety are of the highest importance!
Find out all you need to know about the health system in Israel, your rights to insurance coverage and more.
We will talk about:
Medical insurance
Sick leave
Safety at work
Workplace injuries and accidents
Important Contact Information
In case of questions, problems or emergencies, do you know who to contact? Know all about the different non-governmental and governmental offices that can support you throughout your stay in Israel.
We will talk about:
The Call Center for Foreign Workers
Israeli Governmental offices
Emergency numbers in Israel
Non-profit organizations in Israel
Salary and Work Framework
How much should you be paid? How to read a pay slip? What are the permitted deductions from your salary?
Learn everything you need to know about salary and payments.
We will talk about:
Work hours and rest day
Payment and pay slip
Salary: components and legal deductions
Payments upon termination of employment
Israel – Geography and Environment
Join us on a virtual tour around the country, as we introduce some of the central cities and scenic attractions.
We will talk about:
Geography of Israel
Climate in Israel
Do you know how to use public transportation in Israel? Find out here!
We will talk about:
Transportation options
How to pay for public transportation
Do you know how to use public transportation in Israel? Find out here!
We will talk about:
Transportation options
How to pay for public transportation